All Donations made to Gift of Grace Child and Youth Centre are tax deductible.
Every donation/sponsorship counts – even one contribution can help make a difference. Making a regular monthly or annual donation made to Gift of Grace Child and Youth Centre helps us reach for long term goals of lending a helping hand where needed.
Please get in contact with our office through the detailed listed below to find out the ways that you and your organization can help the needy in our Community. We can work with you to support the children and youth through volunteering, hosting fundraisers or other activities.
Our FICA registration details are:
- SARS Registration:
- Org Reg Number’s:
- Account Name:
- Bank:
- Account Number:
- Branch Code:
- Branch Name:
For more information on how to donate, please contact our offices to get donation details on a organisation's letterhead on +27 78 260 2850 or email to
Thank you for your interest in Gift of Grace. Your regular donations will enable us to make a difference in the lives of the children and young adults in our communities.